Review of ADE 1-6×24 LPVO

Brief drop test of this inexpensive LPVO.

The ADE Advanced Optics 1-6×24 LPVO designed in Oregon City, Ore. using similar specs to the Millet Designated Marksman Scope ( ) is surprisingly good for the price. That being said, please remember YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. This optic is not warranted for life like the Vortex StrikeEagle (×24-ar-bdc3.html ) nor like the Millet Scope that shares the same design specifications. ( Note: Range time has been at a premium this past 18 months and we are slightly out of practice. All errant shots/ flyers are to be attributed to the shooters not the optic nor the platform used for testing. )


  • Weight: 16.43oz.
  • Length: ~10 inches
  • Field of View (FT @ 100yd): 81.2-16.2
  • Exit Pupil: 13.33-4
  • Eye-relief: ~4 inches
  • Click Value in @ 100 yds: 1/5 MIL
  • Total travel elevation (@ 100 yds):≥ 50 MOA
  • Total travel windage (@ 100 yds):≥ 50 MOA
  • Tube Dia.: 30 mm
  • Nitrogen filled and shock resistant


Please be aware we expected this scope to suck from the word go, but surprisingly this is a decent scope, for the price. Zeroed and then dropped, kicked, and bounced it around in the truck. Scope held zero and worked well.

I really like locking elevation and windage turrets, which this scope has and the added feature of re-settable ZERO for the turrets is good too. The detents, which are 1/2 MOA per click, are not crisp and aren’t always noticeable. The locking feature of the turrets actually work on this scope.

We used the rings that ship with the unit. They’re not great. They work, but do yourself a favor and toss those in the junk drawer for emergency use (or put them on your Mossberg 720 Plinkster) and get a better mount. My main complaint is this the scope rings are too low and throws my cheek-weld off a bit.

Parallax adjustment was difficult at first, but then we disappeared the scope covers and things got much easier. The glass is clear and fairly crisp. This LPVO is Second Focal Plane (SFP) model so plan to adjust your zero for the magnification you plan to use the most, or just zero at 6x and remember nothing but the center dot will be 100% at any other power setting. Only the center dot illuminates on this MIL-DASH reticle. It does illuminate red or green and has 5 brightness settings.

Overall, this LPVO is surprisingly robust and entirely satisfactory for use. Would we take it into a warzone? No. But for hunting and range use it will function.

Our Suggestion: Save up a little more and get a Vortex, SwampFox, or even the Primary Arms LVPO. BUT, if you need an inexpensive optic that can get the job done this one isn’t a bad choice.

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